Heriyanto Sitorus

Heriyanto Sitorus

“Experienced Software Engineer and experienced in developing applications both within the company and freelance projects. I have passion in programming, especially in stacks such as Node.js, React, SQL, and Kafka but it is possible to learn other things.”

Software Developer

Heriyanto's Activity

My Resume

as Software Developer


Bachelor of Computer Science (S1 Ilmu Komputer)

Freelance Projects

QR Web for Hospital Project: Created a web for handling PCR test documents and generating a QR code for proof of completion.

Private School Landing Page in Bogor: Developed a landing page with an admin panel for content management.

Work Experience at PT Asuransi BRI Life

Software Engineer (August 2020 - Present)

  • WA Corporate: Verified customer policy data with BRI Life as Host and Qiscus as Client.
  • Contact Center: Created Restful APIs for IVR, Welcome Call, and Profiling Data.
  • My Access: Managed Registration, Login, and Policy Detail services.
  • Notification Center: Handled API notifications using Kafka technology.

My Skills





React Native/JS




SQL Server







On Learning


On Learning

English Language

Low Intermediate

My Projects

Hospital QR Web Project

Hospital QR Web Project

Stack: React, Node.js, MongoDB, QR Code

A web application that generates PCR test documents with a QR code for hospital verification.

Church Website

Church Website

Stack: React.js, Node.js, MySQL

A church website to share upcoming events, stream services, and manage the community with ease.

See My Creation
Sekolah Cerdas Bangsa

Sekolah Cerdas Bangsa

Stack: React js, Nodejs, MySQL

A landing page for a private school that includes an admin panel for content management.

See My Creation
My Access BRILIFE as Backend

My Access BRILIFE as Backend

Stack: Nodejs, MSSQL, JavaScript

BRI Life MyAccess is a mobile application designed for BRI Life insurance policyholders to access information, conduct transactions, and utilize policy-related services.This application aims to provide convenience, comfort, and security in transactions and services for policyholders.

See My Creation